Birmingham Vineyard Church

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Services Update - July 2021

Now that restrictions have relaxed, there will be some changes in how our in person services look and feel. We want you to be able to come and worship with us, whether you feel excited or nervous about these relaxed restrictions, and so we wanted to quickly talk you through some of the changes that we’ll see from this Sunday.

Firstly, if you’re unable to join us in person, or just want to engage from home for any reason, we will still be live-streaming our service straight to your devices.

Secondly, we’re aware that you might be anxious about awkward situations about how comfortable you, or someone else is, to interact, hug and so on - and so, instead of an awkward interaction, we’ll be inviting you to choose a coloured sticker which will indicate how you are feeling about socialising with others. ‘Red’ to keep distance, ‘yellow’ to have a chat, and ‘green’ for chats and physical contact.

Thirdly, you do not need to book a ticket to come along - however, if you’re bringing children, we’d love to encourage you to still book a place for them, as it helps our kids team to prepare a safe and engaging session for your kids and you can book on our website. When you arrive with your children, you can head upstairs where there are spaces prepared for the different age groups. 

Onsite Kids Provision

For families with 0-4’s we’ve prepared a room for you at the 10:30 service! We’ll have the service livestream playing and space and activities for you and your children to connect with God and others. You are also welcome to keep your young child in the main service downstairs with you, whatever you are most comfortable with.

For children aged 5-11 there are Kids groups available at both our 10:30 and 17:30 services, led by our trained Kids team. Kids groups will be playing games, worshipping and eating snacks, taking time to connect with each other and God.Parents are welcome to drop kids off and attend the service downstairs. 

The Services

When you come into the service, feel free to help yourself to a snack and some water, then find a seat where you are most comfortable. 

Our service will have worship, teaching and a chance to respond to God through prayer. We are now allowed to sing during worship! We encourage you to wear a face covering while singing or talking with people, for the safety of everyone present, however there is no requirement that you must wear a face covering. 

If you’d rather not sing, and you’d like to be sat with others who also won’t be singing, we’ll have a designated area for you to sit in, to help you feel safe.

We’ll still have hand sanitiser around the building, and our fresh air system will still be blasting away, replacing the air in our main room frequently.

Whether you choose to join us in person this week, want to wait a few weeks, or are joining us online, we really value you as part of our church community as we follow Jesus, live life to the full and make a difference together!

God bless, stay safe, and see you soon, either onsite at 10:30 or 5:30, or online at 10:30.