Birmingham Vineyard Church

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Lent 2021 Resources

Lent is a time when millions of Christians around the world take time to draw closer to God and reflect on the sacrifice of jesus in the lead up to Easter.

Beginning on Ash Wednesday (17th Feb), the 40 days of Lent is when we remember the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and praying. It was during these 40 days that Jesus made the choice to work in God’s way, however hard that might be.

Lent is a season of fasting (giving stuff up) & repentance (recognising what we've done wrong), leading up to Easter, as we celebrate what Jesus has done for us.

It's an encouragement to turn back to God once again, with renewed passion. We devote ourselves through prayer, fasting and giving.

If you'd like to join in this season, we thought we'd put together a few helpful resources to get you started!

Lent Group - Study of Bach’s “St. John Passion”

This six week Lent Bible study and meditation will use Bach's “St. John Passion”. You’re welcome to come along on Monday evenings at 7.45pm, starting 22nd February, for an hour on zoom. Each session is a standalone scene from the Passion, but to appreciate the full story-line and to hear the complete Passion oratorio, come to them all!

If you're interested, have questions or for the zoom link, please send Liz an email at


Fasting: Basic info & ideas

Check out this helpful intro on what fasting is, what it isn’t and some ideas on how to fast during Lent.

Generosity & Giving

Local Foodbanks

Many people have needed to use emergency foodbanks in the past year, due to the pandemic. Why not consider giving up something you normally treat yourself to (takeaways, entertainment subscriptions, cake, etc.) and give to your local foodbank through lent?

The Trussell Trust has multiple locations throughout Birmingham and supports people with essential food parcels. From donating food, volunteering your time or taking on an fundraising challenge, there are lots of ways to get involved with raising awareness of poverty and helping end UK hunger.

Birmingham Vineyard’s Foodbank has received such generous donations over the past few months and are regularly providing food and toiletries parcels to agency workers for their clients. You can learn more and give a financial donation through our website -

Generosity Challenges
40 Acts

What if Lent could be about more than just giving stuff up? What if it could be a time of radical generosity as well as spiritual discipline? 40acts is the generosity challenge for Lent, created by UK Christian charity, Stewardship. They’ve been running for 10 years and though they won’t be releasing new challenges for 2021, there are lots of resources on their website that you can use:

Devotionals and Prayer Resources

Lent for Everyone: Daily Devotionals

NT Wright has written a series of devotionals, one for each day, over 53 days. Each day, there is a Bible reading, and a thought from NT Wright about how it relates to Easter.

Lent 2021
24/7 Prayer

Join us this Lent, as we journey to Easter with three key resources to help process uncertainty, disappointment and unanswered prayer.

Lent Devotional

We all tell ourselves stories about who we are: as individuals, as communities and as the church. But there’s a bigger story – one that changes everything. It’s the story of God, and we’re invited to be a part of it. Join us as we prepare for Easter by revisiting the story that lays the foundation for who we are and how we live.