“Our church is not built on the gifts and talents of a few but on the sacrifice of many"

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If you have internet banking you can set up regular giving yourself. Our bank details are:

Account Name: Birmingham Vineyard
Account No: 65244788
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Bank: Co-operative Bank

Reference: FirstName - Giving

If this an option that is available to you, this would be our preferred method, as the bank charges no fee to you or us.


Giving online

Give securely online to Birmingham Vineyard. It is possible to arrange regular payments as well as one-off donations and also provide Gift Aid information if you are a UK taxpayer.

Fees are payable on online transactions. If you bank online please consider giving by Standing Order to maximise your giving.


If you are a UK taxpayer, gift aiding your donation means that we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give, at no additional cost to you!
Simply pop your details in the form below and we’ll do the rest.


You can also give by cheque in the post to Birmingham Vineyard Office. Please make the cheque payable to ‘Birmingham Vineyard’.

If you have any questions about giving, please contact us at

You can also check out our monthly impact reports, where our team share the ways in which your generosity makes a difference:

If you would like to see a copy of our audited accounts these can be viewed on the Charity Commission website