Birmingham Vineyard Church

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Festivals, Healings and #Jesusisreal

How the Youth of Our Nation Are Making a Difference

The Kingdom of God is at work amongst the youth of our nation!

Media often portrays youth in a negative light, and there are lots of issues young people have to face on a daily basis. However, there is so much hope and passion in this generation! Across the UK, teens are responding to the invitation to relationship with Jesus, experiencing freedom through the Holy Spirit, and acting in courageous ways to make a difference in our world!

{ Hear the story of teens giving their lives to Jesus and spreading #Jesusisreal around their school >>> }

The youth of Birmingham Vineyard are fully engaging with the Kingdom of God. We caught up with Josh Evans, one of our youth leaders, to hear more about what’s happening with our youth…

Josh, what made you want to get involved with serving on the youth team?

I got involved because I wanted to see God's story in the lives of our young people, and have a lot of fun getting to know some great human beings. Before joining, I'd just finished a job where I'd see a snapshot in the lives of different young people each week, but when I arrived in Birmingham, I wanted to put down roots, and invest. It's been great! #BlessedToBless.


What have you been seeing God do in the youth over this past year?

The youth are constantly growing and surprising us all! It's been amazing to see conversations at Soul Survivor festival develop into decisions to get baptised. Over the last couple of years, a big cohort of the older youth has 'graduated' from youth and moved on to new things, including leadership in their new spheres. Following this, so many people have been stepping up and stepping out into serving and ministry, whether that's in band, tech, prophecy or prayer. 


Share a bit more with us about what the Youth Justice Panel is and how Birmingham Vineyard youth are involved?

Over the past year we have been involved with Tearfund, a Christian charity working towards ending poverty. This February they invited three of BV’s youth to join the Tearfund Youth Justice Panel - a chance to grow closer with God, learn about His heart for people and justice, and take action to make a difference. They found the first training day enjoyable and inspiring, looking at themes of waste, education, hunger and fashion. We saw the awe-inspiring example of Greta Thunberg who is taking on the world at 16 for climate change, and now our young people are in the process of planning their own actions so watch this space to hear more in the coming months!


How can our church support the youth that are serving on the panel?

If you would like to support, keep an eye out for what they're doing and joyfully join in, with prayer and practical help! Supporting our young people also means engaging with your own justice journey. What is God challenging you on? What sacrifices can you make for His Kingdom? It's scary, but, God wants his relentless love for his people and this earth to be at the centre of all of our life decisions, big and small. 

Read more about the Youth Justice Panel here >>>


What are you most excited about in the upcoming months with youth?

Festivals are a great chance to get to know the young people at Vineyard better, and see what God's doing in their lives. This year, I'm looking forward to a summer of celebrations with Dreaming The Impossible (DTI), as well as the final year of Soul Survivor. I know that God will be moving, so I'm just excited to see how.

Check out this video on DTI going BIG in 2020 >>>

How you can help…

You are invited to come alongside this young generation who are making a difference:

PRAY – Pray for the youth who are attending DTI Festival this weekend (3rd-6th May), for powerful encounters with God! Pray for the young generation of Jesus lovers – for courage, wisdom and kindness as they partner with God to bring the Kingdom into their spheres of influence.

YOUR JUSTICE JOURNEY – Join our youth in making lifestyle changes to bring justice to the world. For practical ideas and to read more about justice issues, check out

GET INVOLVED – If you are interested in serving with the youth team, or at DTI 2020 simply pop an email through to Aaron the youth pastor: