Birmingham Vineyard Church

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A New Season

At the start of this new season, we are so excited about everything God is doing in Birmingham through the Church and His people.

The coming months will continue to bring change and require flexibility, patience and lots of love. We bless you to press into what God is inviting you into and for you to find your hope and security in Him.

Here’s Andrew, our Senior Pastor, sharing a few things that have been on his heart at the start of this new season.

New to Birmingham? Welcome!

If you’ve recently moved to Birmingham, a very warm welcome to you and we hope your first few months in this vibrant city are full of blessings. If you are looking for connection with others and to get plugged into a community where you can use your passions and talents to make a difference in the world, get in touch with us.

We would love to hear from you and learn how we can support you, get you connected and find your fit in Birmingham. Click the button below, pop through your details and one of our team will be in touch. If you’re a uni student, the Young Adults team will help you connect with other people in your season of life.

How can we pray for you in this new season?

Perhaps you are experiencing a life change this season, or maybe nothing has changed and you’re continuing on daily life during this time of uncertainty. No matter what is going on in your life, we’d love to come alongside you and support you in prayer.

During every Sunday Stream there is an opportunity to receive live prayer via chat with one of the team (, or you can pop through your prayer request to our office by sending us a message (

Have a lovely September!