Birmingham Vineyard Church

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Lockdown 3.0 Update

Andrew and Rosie share with us about the current lockdown and how it will impact our Sunday services and events.

“So you will all have heard the PM’s message last night about entering into a new lockdown. The facts are stark - rising Covid infections, pressure on the NHS and a new strain of the virus which is harder to contain. The current guidance does still allow churches to meet for corporate worship. However we met as a team this morning and asked the question, “Just because we can meet, does it mean we should meet?”

So in an effort to keep both ourselves and our communities safe, we feel that the wisest decision is to only have our Sunday services online. So for now - no in-person services. We’ll continue meeting online at 10:30 and 5:30 every Sunday on YouTube and the Church Online platform. (

At this time of lockdown again, it’s so important to keep connected with one another. If you’re not in a small group or connected to a community, we’d really encourage you to get involved so you can do life together with others, during this really tough time. (

And we’d also love you to join us on the after-church zoom calls, which give us a chance to chat and connect in smaller groups and to meet others in church in a relaxed and friendly way. The zoom calls have been such fun and allow us to talk with people we might not otherwise talk to.

Hebrews 10: And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.

For those of you who connect with youth, Aaron is really looking forward to being able to gather together again but until that’s possible please do join in on Friday nights for a social catch up with games, prizes and loads of fun to wrap up the week and on Sunday nights for a new series called Insights. You can find more information on the website. (

For children we’re continuing with the kids and families all-age talk on Sunday mornings. You can find that on YouTube. Then at 9.45 until 10.15 there’s a fun Family encounter zoom group for all ages. If you have children in years 5 and 6, there’s a small group every Sunday night at 5.30. (

We know this is a hard season so we’re starting a sermon series this week called Wellbeing. (

We want to reassure you that we are constantly reviewing what we do and trying to keep up with the government guidance. Just as soon as we’re able to we can’t wait to be able to gather again in person.”